Natural Education

Nat eduForest and Nature School Background

In rural areas, and historical times, access to nature has not been a problem; Indigenous Peoples have been raising and teaching their children outside and in connection to their land for thousands of years, and living on more rural land and in less population density in historical times has meant an abundance of opportunities for people to be in nature. Over the last century, with increasing urbanization and with the rise of “nature deficit disorder”, there have been many changes in stance on formal outdoor education. The practice of taking learning outside for child-led, experiential and outdoor learning experiences has been around and evolving since the late 1880’s. In 1914, the socialist political activists Rachel and Margaret McMillan set up an “open-air nursery” and witnessed an improvement in child health. In the 1950s there were many Nature and Forest Schools and Daycares established in Scandinavia, Europe and the UK. As of 2005 there were approximately 450 nature kindergartens in Germany. Over the last two decades Forest School programs have been increasing in popularity in many Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, many parts of the UK, as well as throughout North America. In Canada, the Forest and Nature School Movement officially began when Forest School Canada was developed in 2012 under the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada. Although forest and nature schools had existed from coast to coast here and there across Canada before, Forest School Canada made unifying Nature School Programs possible, and introduced a way to ensure Forest and Nature Schools operate with the same core principles. On Vancouver Island, the first Nature Kindergarten was created in 2012 at Sangster Elementary in Victoria and Hand-In-Hand Education was founded in 2014.

What does Forest and Nature School look like?

Despite great regional variance in length of day, environment, age of learners and climates, all Forest and Nature Schools provide “regular and repeated access to the same natural space, as well as emergent, experiential, inquiry-based, play-based, and place-based learning” (MacEachren, 2013). In this way, children are able to build relationships to the land around them, to the educators, to classmates, and ultimately, to themselves. At Hand-In-Hand, our programs are held almost exclusively outdoors. Whatever the weather, children are encouraged to play, explore and learn in a forest or natural environment. The adult supervision is meant to assist rather than lead. Educator to child ratios are generally low, with a group of 12 to 20 children accompanied by at least two staff.

Nature and Forest Schools can be described as a classroom “without a ceiling or walls”. The educators and children spend their time outdoors, typically in a forest, but sometimes on a beach, in a meadow – any natural environment can be home to a Nature and Forest School! A distinctive feature of early years programs is the lack of commercial toys or manipulatives found in indoor centres, rather the emphasis is on play with objects that can be found in nature. The purpose of Nature and Forest programs are the same as more traditional counterparts: namely, to care for, stimulate, and educate children.

Children dress for the weather, with waterproof clothes and warm layers, according to the climate. Programs are held in a variety of conditions around the world, including long winters and temperatures down to -20 as well as warm, arid conditions. The program is held outdoors in all seasons and under most weather conditions, although it is often moved under a covered space in extreme weather, for example during storms. Safety is always top of mind for Educators, and during storms and high winds the program moves under cover, to a field or indoors to avoid being hurt by falling tree limbs or trees. Following such a storm, all forested areas would then need to be risk-assessed prior to re-entry.

The location chosen to be our “classroom” varies from day to day, depending on safety considerations, weather and indeed the children’s desires!

The Benefits

Healthier Bodies: Studies show increased frequency of physical exercise and a challenging environment helps to develop motor skills, e.g. navigating uneven terrain. Some research demonstrates less sick days due to open fresh air classrooms.

Healthier Minds: Forest and Nature Schools offer an opportunity to be sociable and also to have time alone. Space and resources are naturally available allowing individuals or groups to investigate and problem solve. Forest and Nature Schools provide time to just be, where individuals can relax and explore interests. Personal motivation, a willingness to try new tasks and the ability to persist at tasks increases.

Healthier Environment: A nature-based learning experience provides an understanding and appreciation of the natural environment, knowledge of how systems interlink and how we affect our surroundings. By spending time in the environment using it to play and learn effects us at a deep level. It is this connection with nature that opens us up to care more for the environment as adults.

Healthier Future: Many of the skills that develop as a result of spending time at a Forest and Nature School are essential life skills that in time will benefit the economy including developing determination to complete tasks, learning to work together as a team and communicating effectively.

A Forest and Nature School provides the ultimate in open-ended materials and opportunities for the child, allowing the child to choose activities that suit his/her interests and developmental stage. The educator can meet the child where they are at, and use strategies like storytelling, drama, role-playing, songs and creative problem solving to make many connections to learning and thus creates authentic, meaningful learning experiences for the child – this is whole teaching. Outdoor classrooms are generally less noisy than closed indoor rooms, which has been shown to lower stress levels of children and educators alike.

Forest and Nature School challenges children on a physical level just by taking place in nature! Navigating uneven terrain, and providing logs, stumps, rock, hills and trees to climb, slide down, jump over, etc. supports development of gross motor skills, while the use of tools like ropes and carabiners promote development of fine motor skills. Playing and learning outside for prolonged periods has been shown to have a positive impact on children’s development, particularly in the areas of balance and agility, but also manual dexterity, physical coordination, tactile sensitivity and depth perception. Being outdoors strengthens the immune system of both children and educators.

Cognitively, children learn so much about the world through visiting the same natural sites through the course of a year. They see how the change in seasons is presented in nature, witness the changing colours and falling of leaves, as well as the electric green of new leaves come spring. They learn that when temperatures fall to a certain level of cold, water freezes. They learn through direct experience how snow changes from fluffy, to squeaky, to slushy, to icy with changes in the weather. Experiencing the forces of nature throughout the year teaches children firsthand that they are a part of a larger world. Noticing tiny flora and fauna increase a child’s sense of wonder, and helps build compassion for the world around them.

Additionally, a child’s social-emotional skills are developed in outdoor settings. Confidence and perseverance grow through pushing physical limits, social skills grow through participating in imaginative play with peers, and creative and critical thinking are increased through problem-solving and putting ideas into motion.

Hand-In-Hand Nature Education, as well as Forest and Nature Schools worldwide, hold the interests of the whole child at the center of our practice, allowing nature to provide children with what they need to develop into healthy adults.


In the last couple of years, we have seen the Forest and Nature School Movement explode on the island, as it has throughout BC, Canada, and around the world. This explosion is occurring as parents, educators, school boards and government realize the benefits of learning outdoors, as well as the power of unstructured time outside. Helicopter parenting is becoming more clearly recognized as something to avoid as it stems from a culture of fear, and contributes to a risk adverse society. When children have the opportunity to test their ideas out and work through problems independently at a young age, they become adults who are creative and confident. Studies have shown that children who attend nature and forest schools experience fewer injuries due to accidents, are less likely to injure themselves in a fall, and have an improved ability to assess risks. We see outdoor play and nature and forest school as a way to develop a mature and healthy outlook on life, as well as strengthening practical skills and health. These benefits stay with the child their whole life. Most Provincial, urban and community parks note that having a nature and forest school at their site expands their mission and furthers their goals of providing nature education to children, and promoting their conservation efforts.


Online Education

onlineOnline education is a flexible instructional delivery system that encompasses any kind of learning that takes place via the Internet. Online learning gives educators an opportunity to reach students who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom course and supports students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own pace.

The quantity of distance learning and online degrees in most disciplines is large and increasing rapidly. Schools and institutions that offer online learning are also increasing in number. Students pursuing degrees via the online approach must be selective to ensure that their coursework is done through a respected and credentialed institution.


Online education has become a viable and exciting method for instructional delivery in the global business society that runs on a 24/7 schedule (24 hours a day/7 days a week) because it provides students with great flexibility.

With the increased availability of the Internet and computer technology, students are able to access information anytime and anyplace that would normally be available only through a traditional classroom. Studies have shown that students learn just as effectively in an online classroom as they do in the traditional classroom.


Online education offers many positive benefits since students:

  • have flexibility in taking classes and working at their own pace and time
  • face no commuting or parking hassles
  • learn to become responsible for their own education with information available at their fingertips
  • find the submission of assignments easy and convenient
  • are more apt to voice their own opinions and share and debate issues with other students, as well as learn from other students during the group discussions

Possible negative effects of learning online are that some students:

  • may miss the face-to-face interaction with the instructor and among students
  • may prefer to attend traditional classes with an instructor who teaches and guides them through the course
  • find access to the necessary technology challenging and the availability of technical support limited

In addition, some administrators and instructors who do not understand the workload may display a negative attitude toward online education.


Education System

pramukaEducation in Indonesia falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi or Kemdikbudristek) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama or Kemenag). In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake twelve years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three each at middle and high school levels. Islamic, Christian, Catholic, and Buddhist Schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

It is important to understand what the government in Indonesia is doing to ensure that all citizens have a right to education. One such organization that measures this is the Human Rights Measurement Initiative. The Indonesian government is only doing 83.2% of what is possible at its income level, categorizing the government’s ability to fulfil the right as “bad”. To look at this statistic in depth, we can consider primary and secondary school enrolment. For primary school enrolment, Indonesia is doing only 85.2% for what is possible at its income level, and 81.3% for secondary school enrolment.[2] This data reveals that Indonesia could be making better use of its income to ensure that education in the country is good.

Education is defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and educational process so that the student may actively develop his/her own potential in religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behaviour and creativity to him/herself, other citizens and the nation. The Constitution also notes that there are two types of education in Indonesia: formal and non-formal. Formal education is further divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education.

Schools in Indonesia are run either by the government (negeri) or private sectors (swasta). Some private schools refer to themselves as “national plus schools” which means that their curriculum exceeds requirements set by the Ministry of Education, especially with the use of English as medium of instruction or having an international-based curriculum instead of the national one. In Indonesia there are approximately 170,000 primary schools, 40,000 junior-secondary schools and 26,000 high schools. 84 percent of these schools are under the Ministry of Education and Culture and the remaining 16 percent under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.



Schoolgirls_in_BamozaiEducation is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty. Various researchers emphasize the role of critical thinking in order to distinguish education from indoctrination. Some theorists require that education results in an improvement of the student while others prefer a value-neutral definition of the term. In a slightly different sense, education may also refer, not to the process, but to the product of this process: the mental states and dispositions possessed by educated people. Education originated as the transmission of cultural heritage from one generation to the next. Today, educational goals increasingly encompass new ideas such as the liberation of learners, skills needed for modern society, empathy, and complex vocational skills.

Types of education are commonly divided into formal, non-formal, and informal education. Formal education takes place in education and training institutions, is usually structured by curricular aims and objectives, and learning is typically guided by a teacher. In most regions, formal education is compulsory up to a certain age and commonly divided into educational stages such as kindergarten, primary school and secondary school. Nonformal education occurs as addition or alternative to formal education. It may be structured according to educational arrangements, but in a more flexible manner, and usually takes place in community-based, workplace-based or civil society-based settings. Lastly, informal education occurs in daily life, in the family, any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational, whether unintentional or intentional. In practice there is a continuum from the highly formalized to the highly informalized, and informal learning can occur in all three settings. For instance, homeschooling can be classified as nonformal or informal, depending upon the structure.

Regardless of setting, educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion, and directed research. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy. Education is supported by a variety of different philosophies, theories and empirical research agendas.

There are movements for education reforms, such as for improving quality and efficiency of education towards relevance in students’ lives and efficient problem solving in modern or future society at large, or for evidence-based education methodologies. A right to education has been recognized by some governments and the United Nations. Global initiatives aim at achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4, which promotes quality education for all.


Social Worker

Deskripsi Karier

SOSialPekerja sosial (Social worker) merupakan profesi yang memberikan bantuan ataupun pertolongan berupa pelayanan pada individu, kelompok, maupun masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Pekerja sosial juga bisa dimaknai sebagai profesi pelayanan sosial yang bermuara pada kerja kemanusiaan, atau disebut dengan istilah helping profession. Hal ini bisa diartikan bahwa pekerja sosial akan menolong orang lain supaya mampu menolong dirinya sendiri (to help people to help themselves).

Kiprah pekerja sosial bisa dijumpai dalam berbagai situasi. Misalnya, penanganan kemiskinan, penanggulangan bencana, penanganan orang dengan kecacatan, perlindungan anak, pengembangan masyarakat, dan masih banyak lagi. Kenapa pekerja sosial bisa dijumpai dalam segala kondisi? Karena para pekerja sosial punya komitmen untuk mengambil bagian dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang sejahtera juga lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman. Maka dari itu, para pekerja sosial aktif mendorong perubahan sosial dalam interaksi antara manusia juga lingkungannya.

Peran dan Tanggung Jawab

Membantu individu-individu, kelompok-kelompok dan masyarakat dalam mengakses sumber daya yang ada.

Mengidentifikasi masalah dan mengembangkan kapasitas sumber daya yang ada agar dapat mengatasi masalah untuk pemenuhan kebutuhannya.

Menghubungkan individu-individu, kelompok-kelompok dan masyarakat dengan lembaga pemberi pelayanan masyarakat.

Menyampaikan informasi dengan baik dan benar serta mudah diterima oleh individu-individu, kelompok-kelompok dan masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran perubahan.

Mengumpulkan data mengenai masalah sosial yang dihadapi individu-individu, kelompok-kelompok dan masyarakat.

Melakukan analisis terhadap data masalah sosial dan menyajikan alternatif tindakan yang rasional dalam mengakses sumber daya yang ada.

Pengetahuan dan Keahlian

  • Kemampuan meneliti

  • Kemampuan melakukan analisis

  • Kemampuan observasi

  • Kemampuan berpikir kritis

  • Kemampuan manajerial

  • Keterampilan komunikasi

  • Orientasi layanan

  • Penguasaan bahasa asing

Jenjang Karier

Karier sebagai pekerja sosial bisa dibangun mulai dari menjadi relawan di proyek-proyek sosial. Selanjutnya kamu bisa bergabung di berbagai institusi, seperti lembaga swadaya masyarakat ataupun organisasi nirlaba yang memiliki fokus sesuai dengan ketertarikanmu. Mulailah dengan menjadi officer, kemudian bisa meningkat menjadi project manager.

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GuruMeskipun menurut KBBI kata guru adalah orang yang pekerjaannya (mata pencahariannya, profesinya) mengajar, tetapi pada hakikatnya menjadi seorang guru tidaklah cukup dengan mengajarkan materi pelajaran saja. Guru tidak hanya sebatas profesi melainkan tanggung jawab yang besar karena sangat menentukan kelangsungan sebuah bangsa. Bahkan disebut-sebut bahwa guru adalah pekerjaan yang paling mulia.

Guru sebagai profesi adalah jabatan profesional yang memiliki tugas pokok dalam proses pembelajaran. Uraian tugas-tugas pokok guru telah diatur dan mencakup keseluruhan unsur proses pendidikan serta peserta didik. Tugas pokok guru dapat dilaksanakan secara profesional jika persyaratan profesional yang telah ditetapkan terpenuhi.

Tugas guru sebagai profesi

1. Membantu siswa mengembangkan seluruh potensinya sehingga tumbuh dan berkembang dengan total dan sempurna.

2. Membantu siswa belajar dan mengembangkan kemampuan intelektualnya dengan menguasai berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, keterampilan, pengalaman, nilai, dan sikap.

3. Menyampaikan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan kepada siswa dengan  pendekatan dan metodologi yang penuh dengan kreativitas  sehingga  kreativitas  siswa juga tumbuh dan berkembang.

4. Menanamkan berbagai nilai-nilai dalam diri siswa sehingga melekat dan tumbuh menjadi satu dengan perilaku siswa sehari-hari.

5. Membangun watak dan kepribadian siswa sehingga menjadi orang yang memiliki watak dan kepribadian yang baik.

6. Mengajar siswa bagaimana cara berhubungan dengan orang lain, dan melatih siswa menjadi orang yang berakhlak mulia.

Dalam proses pendidikan, fungsi guru adalah mengajar, mendidik, membina, mengarahkan, dan membentuk watak dan kepribadian siswa sehingga menjadi manusia yang memiliki ilmu pengetahuan, cerdas, dan bermartabat. Tidak mengherankan jika ada orang yang mengatakan bahwa tidak semua orang dapat menjadi guru dan dapat melaksanakan tugas sebagai guru.

Untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan mulia ini diperlukan  persyaratan dan kompetensi profesional yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan. Pendidikan guru dirancang  sedemikian rupa untuk mempersiapkan calon guru menjadi seorang guru yang profesional. Hal sangatlah penting mengingat jika sampai terjadi kesalahan, dapat berakibat fatal terhadap masa depan siswa dan tentu saja amat merugikan dunia pendidikan.

Persyaratan menjadi guru profesional

Seorang guru mampu melaksanakan  tugasnya  secara  profesional,  efisien,  dan efektif jika memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:

1. Memiliki penguasaan ilmu pendidikan yang baik, termasuk konsep, teori, dan proses,

2. Menguasai strategi-strategi pembelajaran,

3. Memiliki pemahaman cukut terhadap ICT sehingga dapat diaplikasikan dalam kelas,

4. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang psikologi siswa,

5. Menguasai teori belajar mengajar,

6. Paham berbagai  konsep  pokok  sosiologi  dan  antropologi  yang  relevan  dalam  proses pendidikan  dan  pertumbuhan  anak,

7. Memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang  studi tertentu  yang relevan dengan tugasnya  sebagai  guru pada jenjang persekolahan tertentu,

8. Paham administrasi pendidikan, terutama tentang Manajemen pembelajaran,

9. Paham konsep dan prinsip pengembangan kurikulum,

10. Paham dan menguasai pendidikan nilai,

11. Paham akan proses dan dampak globalisasi serta  implikasinya  terhadap  proses  pendidikan  siswa,

12. Paham peran dan pengaruh aspek sosial, kultural, dan ekonomi terhadap proses pendidikan.

Mengingat profesi guru ini adalah profesi yang mulia, hal-hal berikut ini sangat penting untuk menunjang kelancaran guru dalam menjalankan perannya, yaitu:

1. Tak berhenti belajar

Menjadi seorang guru bukan berarti sudah tidak perlu belajar lagi. Pengetahuan tentang ilmu yang diajarkan harus selalu dipelajari supaya tidak salah konsep dalam mengajarkannya. Selain itu banyak sekali perkembangan-perkembangan dalam dunia pendidikan yang wajib selalu diikuti. Menjadi guru adalah menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat yang akan menjadi inspirasi siswa untuk selalu belajar dengan giat.

2. Up to date terhadap segala perkembangan dan dinamika pendidikan

Dunia pendidikan selalu berkembang banyak tren-tren baru yang bermunculan. Jika Guru Pintar ketinggalan, maka jangan salahkan jika siswa menjadi bosan dan tidak bersemangat belajar karena gurunya ketinggalan zaman.

3. Ikhlas

Beratnya tugas yang diemban oleh guru terkadang tidak sesuai dengan gaji yang didapat. Untuk menjaga supaya Guru Pintar tetap bahagia dalam menjalankan tugasnya, rasa ikhlas perlu untuk selalu dipupuk. Jangan sampai karena materi membuat siswa tidak mendapatkan haknya untuk belajar dengan optimal.

Tetap semangat dalam mengajar dan mencerdaskan anak bangsa ya, Guru Pintar. Jasamu tiada tara!



Young male interpreter working on laptop

Bagi kamu yang tertarik dengan dunia kebahasaan, interpreter adalah salah satu pilihan pekerjaan yang akan sangat menarik.

Pekerjaan ini sering disamakan dengan translatorPadahal, keduanya memiliki tanggung jawab dan fungsi yang berbeda.

Dikutip dari laman Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia (Kominfo), saat ini kebutuhan Indonesia akan interpreter profesional terus meningkat, lho. Hal ini disebabkan oleh semakin banyaknya acara internasional yang digelar di Indonesia.

Kalau kamu punya minat tinggi dalam bidang bahasa asing, pekerjaan interpreter bisa kamu pertimbangkan.Penasaran apa itu interpreter dan bagaimana tanggung jawabnya? Yuk, simak penjelasan Glints berikut ini! Interpreter adalah seseorang yang pekerjaannya terkait dengan bidang kebahasaan, khususnya bahasa asing.

Dikutip dari Language Scientific, interpreter adalah seseorang yang menerjemahkan sesuatu secara dua arah di tempat (on the spot) tanpa menggunakan kamus atau bahan referensi tambahan lainnya.

Sesuatu yang umumnya diterjemahkan oleh seorang interpreter adalah pembicaraan saat seminar, konferensi, presentasi, atau pengadilan yang menggunakan bahasa bilingual.

Selain itu, interpreter juga bisa bekerja dalam urusan bisnis, diplomasi, pendidikan, liasion organizer (LO), hingga di tempat wisata.

Dengan demikian, seseorang yang bekerja di bidang ini harus menguasai setidaknya dua bahasa.

Dilansir dari Bureau of Labour Statistic, ada beberapa bahasa yang paling banyak dibutuhkan untuk seorang interpreter antara lain; bahasa Prancis, Jerman, Portugis, Rusia, Spanyol, Mandarin, Jepang, Hindi, Korea, Arab, dan beberapa bahasa Timur Tengah lainnya.

Selain itu, ada pula interpreter bahasa isyarat yang juga banyak dibutuhkan saat ini.

Sebagai seorang interpreter, kamu harus mampu mendengarkan dengan baik dan melakukan penerjemahan lisan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.

Kebanyakan interpreter bekerja secara freelanceOleh karena itu, kamu dapat menyesuaikan sendiri acara dan bahasa apa yang perlu kamu kuasai untuk pekerjaanmu.

Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan seorang interpreter secara khusus bekerja di suatu lembaga atau perusahaan.

Secara keseluruhan, ada dua macam interpreter, yaitu interpreter konsekutif dan interpreter simultan.

Interpreter konsekutif menerjemahkan sesuatu yang diungkapkan secara lisan beberapa waktu dengan jeda waktu tertentu.

Ia akan mencatat hal-hal penting terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian menerjemahkan apa yang disampaikan pembicara.Sementara itu, interpreter simultan adalah interpreter yang menerjemahkan secara spontan. Sesudah mendengar apa yang diucapkan pembicara, interpreter simultan langsung menerjemahkannya dalam maksimal 5-10 detik setelahnya.

Dengan tingkat kesulitan yang lebih tinggi, seperti dikutip dari Ruang Bahasa, umumnya upah seorang interpreter simultan lebih tinggi daripada interpreter konsekutif.

Tanggung Jawab Interpreter

1. Memahami tema yang akan dibicarakan

Sebagai seseorang yang akan menyampaikan sebuah pesan ke orang lain, interpreter harus memahami tema yang akan dibicarakan lebih dahulu. Selain tema, interpreter juga harus memahami poin-poin yang akan disampaikan oleh pembicara. Oleh karena itu, seorang interpreter harus memiliki persiapan yang matang, termasuk meminta bahan dari penyelenggara acara atau pembicara.

Hal ini dibutuhkan agar interpreter tidak kesulitan memahami konteks yang disampaikan oleh pembicara.

2. Menerjemahkan apa yang disampaikan pembicara ke bahasa audiens

Tanggung jawab inti dari seorang interpreter adalah menerjemahkan apa yang disampaikan pembicara ke audiens.

Biasanya, pembicara menggunakan bahasa yang tidak dikuasai oleh audiens. Namun, pembicara menyampaikan hal-hal penting dalam acara tersebut.

Oleh karena itu, setidaknya seorang interpreter harus menguasai dua bahasa, yaitu bahasa yang digunakan pembicara dengan bahasa yang digunakan audiens.

Meskipun kamu tahu bahwa audiens tidak memahami apa yang disampaikan pembicara secara langsung, sebagai interpreter, kamu harus menyampaikan semua yang dikatakan pembicara tanpa mengubah maknanya.

Kamu tidak boleh menambahkan atau mengurangi hal-hal yang disampaikan pembicara.

Tugasmu hanya perlu menerjemahkan dan menyampaikan pesan apa adanya.

Skill yang Dibutuhkan

1. Bahasa asing

Skill utama yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang interpreter adalah penguasaan bahasa asing.

Dalam hal ini, berarti kamu dituntut untuk memiliki skill bahasa asing baik dalam membaca, menulis, mendengar, berbicara, dan kosa kata.

Meskipun umumnya seorang interpreter menerjemahkan dalam satu hingga dua bahasa, tetapi akan lebih baik jika kamu menguasai banyak bahasa.

Dengan begitu, kamu bisa menerjemahkan suatu acara yang memiliki banyak pembicara dengan berbagai bahasa.

2. Komunikasi verbal

Selain kemampuan bahasa asing, seorang interpreter juga harus bisa berkomunikasi verbal dengan baik. Skill komunikasi ini berarti kamu dapat menyampaikan pesan yang mudah diterima oleh audiens.

Skill yang satu ini sangat penting bagi seorang interpreter, sebab kamu berperan sebagai perantara dari pembicara dengan audiensnya.

Maka, kamu harus bisa menyampaikan hal-hal yang dikatakan pembicara dengan baik agar mudah diterima pendengar.

3. Mendengarkan

Seperti yang telah Glints sebutkan, salah satu kemampuan berbahasa yang harus dimiliki interpreter adalah mendengarkan.

Kamu harus bisa jeli mendengarkan apa yang disampaikan oleh pembicara. Hal ini tentu tidak mudah karena sering kali logat pembicara cukup sulit dimengerti.

Biasanya pembicara adalah native speaker atau penutur asli bahasa tersebut sehingga logatnya masih kental.

4. Berpikir cepat

Skill lainnya yang harus dimiliki seorang interpreter adalah berpikir cepat.

Seorang interpreter harus cepat mengolah terjemahan dari apa yang disampaikan oleh pembicara, yaitu hanya dalam hitungan detik.

Apalagi, interpreter tidak menerjemahkan kata satu persatu. Seorang interpreter harus dapat melihat konteks untuk dapat menerjemahkan sesuatu agar tidak mengubah makna aslinya.

Demikian penjelasan dari Glints tentang interpreter.

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DreamImpian memiliki definisi yang berarti sesuatu yang benar-benar kita inginkan. Suatu hasrat yang benar-benar kita inginkan dan ingin kita raih.

Impian adalah awal mula dari sebuah cita-cita. Bisa dikatakan bahwa sebuah impian mengacu kepada kehidupan seseorang yang ingin mencapai kesuksesan dalam karir. Setiap orang memiliki target dalam hidupnya untuk bisa membahagiakan diri sendiri dan juga membahagiakan orang-orang disekitarnya.

Untuk bisa mencapai semua itu diperlukan sebuah hal yang bisa membangkitkan dirinya untuk lebih bekerja keras dalam meraih hal yang diinginkan tersebut. Hal itu adalah “impian”.

Dengan memiliki impian, seseorang akan terdorong dengan sendirinya untuk lebih bersemangat dalam kehidupan dan merubah hidup seseorang menjadi lebih baik.

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Kreator: Vera Syukriana


SwimmingSwimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, or other liquid, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs and the body to achieve hydrodynamic thrust which results in directional motion. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a survival response.

Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming is featured in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern Summer Olympics.

Swimming involves repeated motions known as strokes in order to propel the body forward. While the front crawl is widely regarded as the fastest out of four primary strokes, other strokes are practiced for special purposes, such as for training.

There are various risks present during swimming, mainly due to it taking place in water. Swimmers are at risk of incapacitation due to panic and exhaustion, which may cause death due to drowning. Other dangers include getting an infection or contact with hostile aquatic fauna. To minimize these risks, most facilities employ a lifeguard to look for signs of distress.

While some people elect to be nude, oftentimes swimmers either wear their day attire (which can be impractical or outright dangerous), or wear specialized swimwear. In addition to this, a variety of equipment can be used to enhance the swimming experience or performance, including, but not limited to the use of swimming goggles, floatation devices, swim fins, and snorkels.

Source :


Football_iu_1996Football is a family of team sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball to score a goal. Unqualified, the word football normally means the form of football that is the most popular where the word is used. Sports commonly called football include association football (known as soccer in North America and Oceania); gridiron football (specifically American football or Canadian football); Australian rules football; rugby union and rugby league; and Gaelic football. These various forms of football share to varying extent common origins and are known as football codes.

There are a number of references to traditional, ancient, or prehistoric ball games played in many different parts of the world. Contemporary codes of football can be traced back to the codification of these games at English public schools during the 19th century. The expansion and cultural influence of the British Empire allowed these rules of football to spread to areas of British influence outside the directly controlled Empire. By the end of the 19th century, distinct regional codes were already developing: Gaelic football, for example, deliberately incorporated the rules of local traditional football games in order to maintain their heritage. In 1888, The Football League was founded in England, becoming the first of many professional football associations. During the 20th century, several of the various kinds of football grew to become some of the most popular team sports in the world.
